Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015

Shrubby Lupin by AdonisPluto @ MtS

File names: Shrubby Lupin.package
Catalog name: Shrubby Lupin

Source: AdonisPluto @ MtS

Mod The Sims - Unlocked Pinetree Pack (7 new trees) 

File name:
* BakieGaming_UnlockedForestFir.package
* BakieGaming_UnlockedGroupPinetrees_Dark.package
* BakieGaming_UnlockedGroupPinetrees_Light.package
* BakieGaming_UnlockedGroupPinetrees_Small.package
* BakieGaming_UnlockedLargePineTree.package
* BakieGaming_UnlockedPineTree.package
* BakieGaming_UnlockedTallFir.package

Catalog name:
* Bosspar
* Group Pinetrees Light & Dark (grouped together)
* Group Pinetrees Small
* Large Pinetree
* Pinetree
* Tall Fir

Ivy from TS2 Mansion & Garden by Veranka @ Tumblr

Ivy from TS2 Mansion & Garden

File name:
* [Veranka] M&G Ivy in the Middle.package
* [Veranka] M&G Ivy Down.package
* [Veranka] M&G Ivy Up.package

Catalog name:
* Veranka - M&G Ivy Up!
* Veranka - M&G Ivy in the Middle!
* Veranka - M&G Ivy Down!

Source: Veranka @ Tumblr

Old Mill Ivy by Veranka @ Tumblr

File name: [Veranka] Old Mill Ivy A Left

Catalog name: Veranka - Old Mill Ivy

Source: Veranka @ Tumblr

Old Mill Ivy

Hello, dani-sims requested some ivy, and I decided to convert these from TS3 Store “Brunch at the Old Mill” set, which I previously did for TS2 as well. I did some add-ons and recolors. You can find them in decorations/plants category. I hope you like them =D

2t4 Floor Conversion by PlumbobPancakes @ S4S

File name: 2T4 Wood Flooring Conversion by PlumbobPancakes.package
Catalog name: Simple wood flooring

Source: PlumbobPancakes @ S4S

Just a simple wood floor conversion, I've had it sitting in my game for ages, but I never tested it out or anything then I ended up making a followers gift on tumblr and thought I'd add these to it because they're really nice and stuff.

Swimming Pool Decking by emerald @ TSR

File name: Emerald_Swimming pool decking.package
Catalog name: Swimming pool decking

Source: emerald @ TSR

Trapping Carpet Conversion by Deresims @ Tumblr

File name: Dere_Trapping Carpet Conversion V1.package
Catalog name: Dere - Trapping Carpet Conversion V102

Source: Deresims @ Tumblr

Limber Lumber Traditional Hardwood Floor Recolors by Veranka @ Tumblr

Limber Lumber Traditional Hardwoods Floor Recolors
File name: [Veranka] Limber Lumber Traditional Hardwoods.package
Catalog name: Veranka - Limber Lumber Traditional Hardwoods

Source: Veranka @ Tumblr

Trapping's Valentine Tiled Floor by Dani Sims @ Tumblr

File name: Snozzberry_Trapping_ValentineFloors.package

Catalog name: Trapping's Valentine Tiled Floor

Source: Dani Sims @ Tumblr


Big Floor Dump by Dani Sims @ Tumblr

Big Floor Dump

Source: Dani Sims @ Tumblr
File name:
* Snozzberry_Allisas_MosaicLoveTiledFloors.package
* Snozzberry_Anna_DonnhaGrunge03TiledFloors.package
* Snozzberry_Anna_DonnhaGrunge08TiledFloors.package
* Snozzberry_ElusiveCarpetFloors.package

Catalog name:
* Allisas' Mosaic Love
* Anna's Donnha Grunge 03 
* Anna's Donnha Grunge 08
* Elusive Carpet

File name:
* Life Stories Planks
* Snozzberry_LimberTimberDeckFloors.package
* Snozzberry_LoafCarpetFloors.package
* Snozzberry_Poppet_SqueakyCleanTiledFloors.package

Catalog name:
* Life Stories Planks
* Limber Timber Decking
* Loaf Carpet
* Poppet's Squeaky Clean

File name:
* Snozzberry_Trapping_EarlyMorningLargeTiledFloors.package
* Snozzberry_Trapping_EarlyMorningSmallTiledFloors.package
* Snozzberry_Trapping_TiledPoolFloors.package (both white & mosaic)

Catalog name:
* Trapping's Early Morning (Large)
* Trapping's Early Morning (Small)
* Trapping's Pool Tiles

File name:
* Snozzberry_Trapping_SpringRenovationTiledFloors.package
* Snozzberry_Trapping_StoneFloors.package
* Snozzberry_Yandereplum_QueenBTiledFloors.package
* Snozzberry_Yandereplum_LittleQueenBTiledFloors.package

Catalog name:
* Trapping's Spring Renovation
* Trapping's Stone Floors
* Yanderplum's Queen B
* Yanderplum's Little Queen B

2t4 Plush Carpet by Simsnacks @ Tumblr

TS2 to TS4 Plush Carpet

File name: SimSnacks TS2 Plush Carpet.package
Catalog name: TS2 Plush Carpet in Anna's Colors
Source: Simsnacks @ Tumblr


Foggy Shores 4.0 by Plumbobbles @ Tumblr


 File name:
* Plumbobbles Foggy Shores 4.0 - iCad's Woods.package
* Plumbobbles Foggy Shores 4.0 - Pooklet's Naturals.package

Catalog name:
* Plumbobbles Foggy Shores 4.0 - TS2 Life Stories Wood Floor - iCad's Woods
* Plumbobbles Foggy Shores 4.0 - TS2 Life Stories Wood Floor - Pooklet's Naturals

Source: Plumbobbles @ Tumblr

Average Joe Carpets by SimSnacks @ MtS

 Average Joe Carpets by SimSnacks Industries! 

File name:  Average Joe Carpets By SimSnacks Industries.package
Catalog name: Basic carpeting

Wood and Stone Fireplace by Martine @ Tumblr

Wood and Stone Fireplace

File name: Martine_TS4_Cabin_Fireplace.package
Catalog name: Cabin Fireplace
Source: Martine's Simblr

Cheat Shortcuts by Plasticbox @ MtS

Cheat Shortcuts 

 File name: shortcuts/Scripts/
Source:  Plasticbox @ MtS
With the introduction of that 'bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement' monstrosity it really was time for this .. these are some custom shortcuts for TS4 in the form of a loose .py file so they are easy to edit.
  • casf – testingcheats on + cas.fulleditmode
  • d | t | debug [on/off] – testingcheats
  • h [on/off] – headlineeffects
  • m | mo | moo – bb.moveobjects (toggle)
  • ssk | setskill <skill> <level> – stats.set_skill_level <skill> <level>
  • u | unlock – bb.showhiddenobjects + bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement

on/off can be expressed in many ways, like 0/1, on/off, true/false, y/n etc. If you just enter "t" or "h" it will list what the options are.

For a list of shortcuts, type shortcuts:

Teen Careers for All Ages by Plasticbox @ MtS

Teen Careers for All Age

 File name: pbox_careers_TeenForAll_1.5.139.package

These are the EA teen careers -- Barista, Baby Sitter, Fast Food, Manual Labor, and Retail -- made available for all ages (Teen plus Young Adult, Adult, and Elder). I changed nothing else, only the availability for both the career itself and the Go-To-Work push.

Door Locks for TS4 by Scumbumbo @ MtS

Door Locks for TS4 - Version 2a 

File name:
- MTS_Scumbumbo_DoorLocks_v2a.package
Source: scumbumbo @ MtS

Doors can be set to lock out...
  • All sims (the default)
  • Visitors only
  • Male sims only
  • Female sims only
  • Children only

Auto Pause Pregnancy by Scumbumbo @ MtS

Auto-Pause Pregnancy

File name:

Usage is automatic once the mod is installed, this simply skips the automatic labor/birth process for any played sims that aren't in the current household. It effectively puts the pregnancy on hold until the next time you load up that lot. A notification will display showing the sim that is ready for labor so that you can switch to that lot when you are ready to continue that household.

No Culling Mod by Dark Gaia @ MtS

No More Culling (V3)

File name:
Source: Dark Gaia @ MtS

Updated for the March 26 patch!

Bed Hider Mod by Annachibi's Sims @ Tumblr

Bed Hider Mod

File name: annachibi_bedhidermod-separatedonly.package
Source: Download @ Annachibi's Sims (Tumblr)

Now that we’ve separated out the frames and mattresses, this mod hides all or certain beds from the catalog so it’s less cluttered with all those obsolete beds!