Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015

Average Joe Carpets by SimSnacks @ MtS

 Average Joe Carpets by SimSnacks Industries! 

File name:  Average Joe Carpets By SimSnacks Industries.package
Catalog name: Basic carpeting

Hello everyone! I was seriously disappointed in the lack of carpeting in the base game, so when WallEz was updated to allow the making of floors I got to work. After a practice runs I was able to put together a nice set of floors! I posted these to my tumblr, but I've been a part of this site for a while, and wanted to share here as well! :3

I also included the preview and swatch in the download, and I also included the file I made for a base in case anyone else would like the same texture, but in different colors, please feel free to use it!

You can find them under carpets for §2.

Additional Credits:
Anna for her colors, Haiseazale for her actions, and Grant for WallEz!


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